



1注册 2备案  3提交纸质文件
 一 注册提交纸质文件如下; 
1、企业备案申请表 (原件加盖公章)up_files/产品登记资料确认证明申请表.doc
 二 备案申请时应提交如下资料: 
1、  进口非农药用途产品通知单申请表(原件加盖公章);
2、  进口国官方出具的原产地证明 (原件);
3、   产品在生产国(地区)或原产国(地区)允许生产、销售及注册的证明文件(中英对照,复印件加盖公章);up_files/食品进口厂商自由销售许可模板.jpg  up_files/国外厂商出口许可样表.bmp up_files/国外厂商生产许可样表.bmp
4、   属兽(医)药产品,则需提交进口兽(医)药批准证书;
5、   进口产品报关单、装箱单、提运单和货运发票、(复印件加盖公章);
6、   最终用户和贸易公司出具的产品用途证明文件(原件加盖公章);
7、   产品质检报告(第三方检测机构出具)或商检报告及产品标准(复印件加盖公章);
8、   进口合同(复印件加盖公章);
9、   进口流向说明、销售发票及合同(复印件加盖公章);
10、 属危险化学品的应提交危险化学品经营许可证。
  三 提交纸张文件要求


Handling process of import Release Notice of non-agricultural drug products

Handling the import and export process of non pesticide products
1 registration 2 filing 3 paper documents

1 the paper documents submitted f registration are as follows;
1. Application form for enterprise record (original with official seal) up file / application form for confirmation of product registration data.doc
2. Qualification certificate of import and export enterprises: registration form of foreign trade operators or qualification certificate of import and export enterprises of the people's Republic of China or approval certificate of foreign investment enterprises of the people's Republic of China or approval certificate of overseas Chinese investment enterprises of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao (copy with official seal);
3. Business license for Industry and Commerce (copy with official seal);
4. Brief introduction of the enterprise or company (copy with official seal);
5. Tax registration certificate (copy with official seal);
6. Organization code certificate (copy with official seal);
7. Declaration registration certificate of the consignee and consignor of import and export goods (copy with official seal);
8. ID card of legal representative (copy);
9. ID card of card handler (copy).
2. The following materials shall be submitted at the time of filing application:
1. Application form for the notice of imported non pesticide products (original with official seal);
2. Certificate of origin issued by the official of the importing country (original);
3. Certification documents (in Chinese and English with official seal on the copy) of the product's permission to produce, sell and register in the country (region) of production or the country (region) of origin; up files / free sale license template of food import manufacturer.jpg up files / export license sample form of foreign manufacturer.bmp up files / production license sample form of foreign manufacturer.
4. For veterinary medicine products, the approval certificate of imported veterinary medicine shall be submitted;
5. Customs declaration, packing list, delivery note and freight invoice for imported products, (copy with official seal);
6. Certificate of product use issued by the end user and trading company (original with official seal);
7. Product quality inspection report (issued by the third-party testing agency) or commodity inspection report and product standard (copy with official seal);
8. Import contract (copy with official seal);
9. Description of import flow, sales invoice and contract (copy with official seal);
10. For hazardous chemicals, business license for hazardous chemicals shall be submitted.

3. Requirements for submission of paper documents
The completed application form and the above-mentioned complete information shall be printed on A4 paper (A4 copy paper) and submitted to our company.

 版权所有1998-2019 吉林省共勤恒瑞国际货运代理有限公司
